
Highlighting ECEs Campaign

MCCA wants to hear from its members!

Throughout the pandemic, it has become increasingly more obvious that Early Childhood Educators are Essential (the term Early Childhood Educator is the general term used to describe those who provide early learning and care for children).

Do you know an ECE, CCA, home-based provider, a staff, co-worker, colleague (who is also an MCCA member) that deserves to be celebrated? We are looking for testimonials highlighting the outstanding early learning and child care workforce here in Manitoba.

What needs to be done? Simply share the following:

  • Name of individual
  • Position held
  • How long have they been in the ELCC sector?
  • Picture of the individual (Ensure that permission has been obtained as it will be posted on social media; MCCA absolves itself from this responsibility*.)
  • Tell their story. It doesn’t have to be long. What makes this individual shine? Share the struggles, the joys, and the triumphs of who they are and what they demonstrate as an ECE professional. Do you want to share a specific activity or experience? Was it something directly related to Covid-19?
  • MCCA is a membership-based association and will focus on featuring individuals who hold an MCCA membership.
  • MCCA reserves the right to edit submissions to fit the format being used.
  • Please email your submissions to Michelle Innes, MCCA’s Administrative Assistant, at minnes@mccahouse.org

*All submissions authorize the Manitoba Child Care Association to use the testimonial and submitted photo(s) on their social media platforms. MCCA reserves the right to edit submissions for spelling, grammar and/or length.


Categories: News

Posted by Jodie Kehl at 12:35 pm