
2024 MCSGS Update

The Province of Manitoba has partnered with KPMG to “to develop a comprehensive and sustainable wage and benefits framework that attracts and retains professionals in the early learning and child care sector, ensuring competitive salaries and equitable funding approaches.” The results of this project are anticipated in the near future.

The first research-based Market Competitive Salary Guideline Scale (MCSGS) was published by MCCA in 2007. MCCA has been indexing the scale for over 15 years. This year, in anticipation of KPMG’s findings, MCCA has been proactive and expedited the annual indexing. We consulted and considered published data of 2024 predicted increases within the not-for-profit industry, and have indexed the 2024 MCSGS by 3%.  As a “market competitive” scale, each level increases by 5%. The target for an ECE II/III is $28.63/hr.

Unlike previous scales, we have released this scale for only 2024. A full review and update of the MCSGS may be imminent, depending on the results presented by KPMG.

Review the 2024 Scale Here


Categories: News

Posted by Kayla Mauricio at 1:51 pm