
Manitoba Elects New Provincial Government

Manitobans have elected a new government with new leaders, vision, and priorities.  We wish the new MLA’s much success in their term of office and will offer our expertise to help guide them with creating a child care system that works for Manitoba.  It’s 2016 and quality early learning and child care matters to families.  It has a positive impact on how children learn, enables parents to be employed or in school, reduces poverty, supports families, is key to women’s equality, and contributes to a strong economy.   MCCA will continue our work with the new  government to advocate for a quality system of child care and to advance early childhood education as a profession.

Here is a briefing paper that outlines the strengths, issues, and priority areas for moving ELCC forward in Manitoba.

ELCC in MB April 2016

Here is a link to the  Executive Summary of the Manitoba Early Learning and Child Care Commission Report, completed January 2016 after a 10 month review of local and international research and consultation with Manitobans.

Manitoba Early Learning and Child Care Commission Report, January 2016

The report recommends an approach to address the shortage of 12,000 licensed child care spaces in Manitoba through a comprehensive  policy framework in four key areas:

  • Governance and Local Infrastructure
  • Access including Availability, Affordability, and Sustainability
  • Quality, including Pedagogy and Human Resource Development
  • Data Collection and Analysis

The approaches were constructed to ensure quality is not compromised with expanded services.

MCCA hopes the new government of Manitoba will review  the Commissioners report and consider introducing the recommendations that fit with their priorities.



Categories: News

Posted by Jodie Kehl at 1:06 pm