It’s an exciting week at MCCA! We have hosted stakeholder meetings with Kathleen Flanagan and Jane Beach, Commissioners appointed by the Government of Manitoba to explore options for a universally accessible early learning and child care system. Participants included the MCCA board of directors; the leaders of the Winnipeg and area director support groups; representatives from nursery school, inclusion, and school age interest groups; MCCA regional branch chairpersons from Interlake, Central, Parklands, South Central, Thompson, and Westman. A meeting with licensed family child care providers is next. We are having thoughtful conversations, responding to tough questions, exchanging interesting ideas, learning more about our strengths, challenges, and opportunities. It is evident that stakeholders value a not for profit, community based, affordable, high quality system, with a skilled and well compensated early learning and child care workforce.
Quality child care matters to Manitoba!
The Advisory Committee to the Commission meets on Friday, June 19, 2015. Pat Wege, Executive Director is MCCA’s representative to the Advisory Committee.
Categories: News
Posted by Jodie Kehl at 2:07 pm