
MB Provincial Budget 2019

Manitoba’s government presented its 2019 budget yesterday. Specific to early learning and child care, a review of the budget documents and announcements notes the following commitments for 2019:

  • $581,000 increase for home-based providers.
  • $1.4M operating grant commitment for 5 school-based child care projects representing 496 new spaces
  • Continued funding for the Child Care Development Centre Tax Credit

Prior to the budget, MCCA called for:

  • An immediate increase to operating funding to licensed child care facilities whose funding has been frozen since January 2016
  • A province wide market competitive wage scale, which recognizes ECE training and experience
  • Increased access to post-secondary training programs
  • Improved accessibility for children with additional support needs
  • Increased spaces to meet the growing needs of Manitoba families

While we are pleased to see that there are no proposed cuts, there continue to be urgent issues that must addressed, most notably for the early leaning and child care workforce.

MCCA will be following up with Minister Stefanson addressing our concerns, working to find solutions and commitments for MB’s early learning and child care system, but in the meantime, we encourage you to continue to gather support for MCCA’s petition.



Categories: News

Posted by Karen K at 10:40 am