How much should an Early Childhood Educator (ECE) earn? In Manitoba, an ECE classification requires a minimum of two years post-secondary education specific to early childhood education. MCCA hired People First HR Services to analyze the education, skills, and abilities required of ECEs and also the Child Care Assistants employed in licensed child care centres . Based on their analysis, People First recommends to MCCA the salary ranges competitive with other jobs that require similar training and responsibility.
Market Competitive Salary Guideline Scale 2018-2019
Here is how the Market Competitive Salary Guideline Scale (MSCGS) can be used:
Boards of Directors and Executive Directors will find the MCSGS helpful when establishing a fair wage scale for employees, when budgeting, and when recruiting new employees. There is a shortage of Early Childhood Educators in Manitoba, so the best paying centres are more likely to be successful hiring the best staff. If the MCSGS 2018-2019 is not affordable to the centre, MCCA recommends the organization consider a MCSGS from previous years. Many options are available, including:
Market Competitive Guideline Scale 2017-2018
Market Competitive Salary Guideline Scale 2016-2017
Market Competitive Salary Guideline Scale 2015-2016
Market Competitive Salary Guideline Scale 2014-2015
Early Childhood Educators and Child Care Assistants will find the MSCGS helpful when seeking employment or discussing compensation with their current employer. Before accepting a new position, ask what MSCGS the child care centre is using, along with your other questions about the centre’s curriculum, employee benefits, work hours, etc.
As an advocacy tool to ensure elected officials and government representatives are aware of the need for funding policies that enable all employers to provide market competitive wages in order to recruit and retain the ECEs required by provincial licensing requirements.
More information about the MCSGS and compensation is available here:
Categories: News
Posted by Jodie Kehl at 3:35 pm