The Government of Manitoba has announced it will be reversing the hold it placed on the Inclusion Support Program. (ISP)
We welcome the news that all pending applications that meet the criteria will be supported, and thank Minister Fielding for hearing the concerns from the public. We remain uncertain about their plan for new ISP funding applications, and future funding and policy decisions.
Our recommendations are outlined in this letter: Minister Fielding letter June 29, 2017
Background, June 23, 2017
The Pallister Government has put Manitoba’s Inclusion Support Program on hold pending a review. This leaves families of children with additional support needs planning to enroll or transfer from another child care facility out of luck, or in the dark while waiting for their child’s funding application to be processed. MCCA believes all children should receive the support they need to succeed and the Government of Manitoba needs to adequately fund its’ Inclusion Support Program.
In 2009, new regulations for inclusive child care were put in place. Child care facilities must provide inclusive programming and ensure individual program plans are in place for children with additional support needs. As of the end of the 2016 fiscal year, 1,541 children were being supported. 61% of licensed child care centres and 8% of licensed child care homes were participating in the Inclusion Support Program
A Guide to the Inclusion Support Program, Manitoba Early Learning and Child Care
Winnipeg Free Press, June 24, 2017 Funding cut for special-needs kids
Licensed child care programs are often first to identify preschool children with developmental delays and initiate referrals for diagnostic assessment. Based on individual needs, it may be determined by a qualified professional (physician, therapist, nurse, children’s special services ) that the child requires additional staff support in the child care care facility. Developmental goals and Individual Program Plans are developed. The final decision for funding is made by the Early Learning and Child Care Program.
Persons affected by the freeze should email their concerns to their own MLA, and copy to:
Minister of Families, Hon. Scott Fielding:
Minister of Education & Chair of the Healthy Child Committee of Cabinet: Hon. Ian Wishart:
Premier of Manitoba, Hon. Brian Pallister:
Michelle Stephen Wiens, A/Director, Early Learning and Child Care:
Nahanni Fontaine, Opposition Critic for Families:
Click here to find contact information for your MLA
Categories: News
Posted by Jodie Kehl at 2:41 pm