The Royal Commission on the Status of Women first recommended a National Child Care Program in 1970. It’s been on and off the table several times since then, most recently in 2005 when federal/provincial agreements were signed with a former Liberal government and then swiftly terminated by the former Conservative government in 2006. In the absence of federal leadership over the past 10 years, Canadian families are even more desperate for affordable child care services. There are 12,000 children on Manitoba’s online child care wait list.
Following a meeting February 5, 2016 with his provincial counterparts, Jean-Yves Duclos, Minister of Families, Children and Social Development told reporters federal and provincial governments should be able to quickly come to an agreement on a framework for a national early learning and child care program because they aren’t starting from scratch.
What a difference political will makes!
F/P/T on Fast-Track for National Child Care Program?
Categories: News
Posted by Jodie Kehl at 3:05 pm