This newly released report examines licensed home child care in Manitoba, including the features associated with quality of care experienced by children and parents as well as the job experience of the care providers.
With more than 15,000 children on Manitoba’s online waiting list, and pressure to add new spaces, family child care is on government’s radar as a priority for expansion. The average number of children enrolled in a licensed family home was 7.2 in 2015.
This paper provides valuable information that government must consider when planning an affordable, high quality, reliable early learning and child care system for Manitoba families.
To strengthen home child care, solutions must be identified to address the following:
*Between 2004-2013, the average overall opening rate in Manitoba was 8.33% and the average overall closing rate was 13.7%.
Read the full report:
Working Paper MB Family Home Childcare Study
Categories: News
Posted by Jodie Kehl at 6:14 pm