The waiting list for a licensed child care space in Manitoba continues to grow to record high levels. As of June 30, 2016, there are 15,078 children registered on the provincial wait list. These are individual children, meaning they are counted only once even if registered at multiple facilities.
Online Child Care Registry user statistics as of June 30, 2016
Clearly Manitoba families value licensed child care and the provincial government needs to develop a plan to add more affordable spaces families can count on, to attract and retain a skilled and fairly compensated workforce, to ensure there is there is the infrastructure, skilled administration, and governance on which to build a quality system.
Recent media reports on the child care shortage include:
CTV news reports on the child care shortage in Manitoba
Winnipeg Free Press report on wait for child care at an all time high
CBC reports on need for child care action plan
Brandon Sun reports nearly 15,000 children on wait list for care
Categories: News
Posted by Jodie Kehl at 1:54 pm