
Child Care a Priority for Federal Minister

A recent media report quotes Jean-Yves Duclos, minister of families, children and social services saying that a national strategy on child care is one of his priorities.*   Funding is not expected until 2017 and discussions with provinces are currently underway.

Child care, housing key priorities for families minister

With 12,000+ children on the online waiting list, Manitoba families are desperate for more licensed quality child care that includes early learning.     The recently elected Manitoba government needs to identify the details of their  plan to move child care forward.    We have the research, evidence, and a roadmap already in place.   The Manitoba Early Learning and Child Care Commission, January 2016 proposed an ELCC Policy Framework in 4 key areas:

  • Governance and Local Infrastructure
  • Quality, including pedagogy and human resource development
  • Access, including availability, affordability, and sustainability
  • Data collection and analysis/research and evaluation

Manitoba Early Learning and Child Care Commission Final Report, January 2016


*During the 2015 federal election, the Liberal Party promised to work with provinces, territories, and Indigenous Peoples to create a new National Early Learning and Child Care Framework.  The Framework  is to be based on research, evidence-based policy, and best practices in the delivery of early learning and care.

MCCA has endorsed three core elements of a child care framework:

  • common federal, provincial and territorial frameworks
  • a plan for long term sustained funding
  • system building shared by federal, provincial/territorial governments and key stakeholders

Read about the Shared Framework:





Categories: News

Posted by Jodie Kehl at 2:59 pm