Early childhood educators (ECEs) work with one of the most vulnerable groups in society – our children. ECE’s must make choices based on professional ethics, using a thoughtful decision making process. Ethics are “rules” that govern our lives and help us make decisions. There are 8 principles to help guide ECE’s in making the best choices each day. Learn and practice them by taking all 4 workshops in the ethical journey. Workshops are offered in fall and winter workshop series and at MCCA’s annual conference.
Haven’t taken any of the Ethics workshops?
Click here to take the Ethics quiz.
Completed all 4 parts?
Click to download Best Choices Ethical Journey Survey
Watch the vignettes and work through these reflection questions.
Reflection Questons for Vignettes
Download Code of Ethics Principles
Code of Ethics Principles
New! Ethics Refresher Videos
The MCCA Ethics Committee has something new for you! Have you attended one or more of the 4-part Best Choices Ethical Journey workshops? Do you still have questions? A summary review of each part has been developed and is now available to view. Each short video will help you revisit the workshops and support you in your ongoing consideration of your belief system and help you as you engage in reflection of your personal journey when making ethical decisions.
The Manitoba Child Care Association Ethics Committee would like to acknowledge and recognize the work of Dr. Francis Ricks and Sandra Griffin. These individuals were instrumental in creating the path that we in Manitoba call our Ethical Journey. They have guided, mentored and provided the foundation for the development and delivery of the Best Choices series. We thank them for assisting us in bringing the discussion of ethical choice making to Manitoba’s Early Learning and Child Care community.
Ethics Part I Review
Ethics Part II Review
Ethics Part III Review
Ethics Part IV Review
Download the Ethics: Best Choices Newsletter – Why is Ethics Training Important?
Need a new certificate?
If you require a new ethics certificate (name change or you have misplaced yours) you can order a replacement for $10.00. Contact Karen Kowalski at 204-336-5062 or email at kkowalski@mccahouse.org
Meet our MCCA Ethics Guides
The following individuals are members of the MCCA Ethics Committee and have participated in a train the guide training session which allows them to guide the ethics workshops in Winnipeg and throughout Manitoba .
Sharon Balasko has been in the field for over 30 years. She began her career in infant care in the Child Development Centre at the University of Manitoba. She has worked as an instructor, curriculum developer and consultant working with the University of Manitoba, University of Winnipeg, and Red River College. She has been an Ethics Guide and a part of the Ethics Committee since 2002.
Sheila Bogoch is an ECE III. She has been employed at the Behavioural Health Foundation, a residential addictions treatment centre, since 1989, where she has fulfilled a number of roles including director of the on-site licensed daycare, parenting facilitator, counselling for adults and families, and facilitator of FASD education. Sheila is also a mother, grandmother, and long-time volunteer with Amnesty International.
Mariëlla Carr (Chairperson) is the Executive Director at Prairie Children’s Centre Inc. She started in the child care field in 1990 and has loved all of her different roles over the years. Mariëlla has been an Ethics Guide since 2008 and is on MCCA’s Board of Directors, Ethics Committee and the Public Policy and Professionalism Committees. She is passionate about reconnecting children with nature and inclusive practice.
Chantel McRae (Westman) is a Distance Education Instructor in Assiniboine Community College’s Early Childhood Educator program and works from home while she raises her own tiny human. The daughter of an ECE, Chantel has been immersed in Early Learning and Child Care since infancy and has worked in the field for over 17 years. Chantel spent 9 years as a Director in rural Child Care Centres and has worked with all age groups of children. She has a passion for creating beautiful, inspiring spaces that allow children to explore and learn and is excited for the opportunity to be an Ethics Guide in the next chapter of her own journey.
Gines Combiadakis is an ECE III who has been working with children since the mid-90s and in childcare since 2000. In 2011, he joined the Université de Saint-Boniface as an instructor in the Early Childhood Education program. His ethical journey began in 2012 and in 2016, Gines completed his ethics guide training and becoming a member of the MCCA Ethics committee.
Jenn Cullen (Westman) is an instructor at Assiniboine Community College in the ECE department. She has dabbled in many early learning programs, such as childcare center director, nursery school, family resource, parenting program facilitator. She enjoys going on the ethical journey with the variety of people she meets in the workshops, as well as the students she works with every day, and continuously learns something new about herself! She believes in life-long learning, that there is good in everyone, and that it will always all work out in the end!
Shannon Curtaz is the Executive Director of Horizons Children’s Centre. She has been working in the field of Early Childhood Education since 1997 as a front line ECE, a Supervisor and a Director. She believes that the relationships we form with all of the people who come in and out of our lives, both personal and professional, shape the person that we ultimately become and that therefore growth and learning is never ending.
Melanie D’Souza is a member of the Research Faculty in the School of Health Sciences and Community Services at Red River College Polytechnic. She is interested in issues of diversity, inclusion, and children’s rights in early childhood settings; her current projects involve early childhood intervention strategies in inner city child care programs. Melanie has been a member of the MCCA Ethics committee since 2003.
Christine Enns (Norman region) has over 25 years of experience in the field of Early Childhood Education in different capacities. Currently she is an Early Childhood Education Instructor at University College of the North in The Pas. She has been enjoying learning about the Cree culture and how to apply indegenious knowledge into the curriculum. Christine has facilitate Best Choices and been on the Ethics Committee since 2003
Michele Grant has been involved in Manitoba’s early childhood community for many years as an early childhood practitioner, centre director, adult educator and volunteer. She is a past board member of both the MCCA and the CCCF and is a founding member and past chairperson of the MCCA Ethics Committee.
Monica Lytwyn is an ECE III with a Bachelor of Human Ecology and a Master of Education in Early Childhood Education (ECE). She is an original member and past chair of MCCA’s Ethics Committee. Monica has worked in a number of capacities in early learning and child care (ELCC) over the years including as a volunteer, an Early Childhood Educator, a supervisor, a consultant, and even a policy analyst and supervisor in ELCC for the Province of Manitoba. She is currently an instructor in Early Childhood Education at Red River College Polytechnic.
Kisa MacIsaac is Métis, a mother, an educator, artist, advocate, and volunteer. She is an ECE III and holds a BA degree in Developmental Studies. Kisa jumped into the field of early learning and childcare back in 2002, has been a member of the MCCA Ethics Committee since 2008, and is a proud member of the MCCA Board of Directors. She is passionate about land based curriculum, and loves to garden with children!
Sarah Nick (Thompson) is from Thompson, Manitoba. Sarah is currently working at Riverside Day Care as the Assistant Director. She has been working in the child care field since 2006 in a variety of positions. Sarah also is a co-owner of Sister Party Rentals in Thompson, where she brings the fun into parties for children and families in her community. Sarah has completed all four parts of Ethics, as well as the Train the Trainer program in Winnipeg to become an Ethics Guide (Completed in 2016) and looks forward to helping guide others on their journey into Ethics.
Mandy Plett (Interlake) is working at Fisher Branch Care A Lot for Tots and is a floor supervisor and ECE ll. She has been in the field for 24 years and enjoys all the children she provides care to. She has been a guide since 2008 and looks forward to sharing the ethical journey together.
Sina Romsa served in a range of positions in ECE, community services and on the MCCA and the CCCF boards. One of the MCCA Ethics Committee founders and past chair, her passion for diversity, ethics, and the “road less travelled” continues.
Tracy Smith (Eastman) is an ECE III and has been dedicated to Early Childhood Education for more than 20 years. She has worked in a wide variety educational roles and settings from front-line practitioner to curriculum consultant. Tracy lives in Steinbach, Manitoba and works at Red River College. Tracy is a member of MCCA’s Ethics Committee and looks forward to sharing her ethical journey with others.
Michelle Vesey is an ECE III. She has been working in the child care field since 1998 during which time she has held a variety of front line ECE positions as well as administrative roles. She has worked in infant, preschool, nursery school and school age program settings. Currently Michelle is an instructor in ECE program at Université de Saint-Boniface. She is a member of the MCCA Ethics committee and looks forward to guiding others along their ethical journey.
Keri Waterman has over 30 years experience within the child care community, working with children of all ages, from front line to finance and administration including four years at the University of Manitoba as practicum supervisor. An Ethics Guide since 2002, she enjoys guiding people along their own ethical journeys.
Barbara Wierckx is an ECE III, has served children in many capacities over the years, both within and outside of the Early Childhood field. Barb highly values quality of life and her main goal is to help equip children to live long, healthy, happy lives. Barb is also a facilitator for Handle With Care and Active Start workshops.
Staff Support: Karen Kowalski, Assistant Executive Director/Director of Professionalism