Membership Benefits
MCCA is proud to be the voice of child care in Manitoba, the largest provincial child care association in Canada, and an affiliate member of the Canadian Child Care Federation! Our members join MCCA to become better informed about issues, to gain access to services such as our insurance programs, for networking and professional development opportunities. Highlights of member benefits include:
Professional Member
- Any person classified as an ECE II or III employed in a child care centre
- (working 25 or more hours per week) FULL TIME $ 218.00
- (working less than 25 hours per week) PART TIME $ 130.00

Child Care Assistant Member
- Any person not classified as an ECE II or III employed in a child care centre or employed by members who are licensed family child care providers
- (working 25 or more hours per week) FULL TIME $ 118.00
- (working less than 25 hours per week) PART TIME $ 80.00
Family Child Care Provider Member
- A licensed family child care provider. $ 160.00
Call MCCA at 204-586-8587 or toll free at 1-888-323-4676 and request a membership inquiry package.

Associate Member
- Any person, group or agency supportive of the MCCA’s goals, not eligible for membership under any other membership categories.
$ 122.00

Retiree Member
- Any person supportive of the MCCA's goals, who is retired from working in the early learning and child care sector.
- $50 (MCCA Membership Only)
- $75 (MCCA Membership and Canadian Child Care Federation Membership)

Student Member
- Students enrolled in an educational program for more than 20 hours per week or 60% of a full program.
- Students must not be employed in a licensed child care facility.
- $10.00 (MCCA Membership only)
- $35.00 (MCCA membership and Canadian Child Care Federation membership)

Centre Member
- A centre must be licensed by the Manitoba Early Learning and Child Care Division and will have a facility number and has a Board of Directors or Parent Advisory Committee
- A centre membership must be purchased for each new location of a multi-site corporation
- (open more than 25 hours per week) FULL TIME $ 220.00
- (open less than 25 hours per week) PART TIME $ 130.00
Our membership year is January – December. The membership fee can be pro-rated (inquiries can be made at 204-336-5065) for the number of full months remaining until the end of the year. Annual and monthly payment options are available for individuals.
All memberships include an affiliate membership with the Canadian Child Care Federation. (The $10.00 student membership does not include the CCCF membership)