
Provincial Election 2016 – Make Child Care A Priority!

Manitoba families can’t work without quality child care!     MCCA is advocating for a child care system that works for Manitoba with enough  accessible and affordable child care spaces to meet demand,  a skilled, well compensated workforce, with  strong governance and administration.   This election, we are asking all voters to make child care a top priority when deciding how to mark your ballot!

Political party support for child care can vary significantly so it’s important to ask lots of questions to identify if  candidates represent a party that shares your own beliefs.  Engage candidates in a conversation by adding your own personal child care experiences and stories to help them better understand the issues and your own priorities.

Here is a link to background information about the child care system in Manitoba and sample questions to ask candidates during the provincial election:

Child Care and Provincial Election 2016

Categories: News

Posted by Jodie Kehl at 3:43 pm